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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algérie or Algeria)

Algerian Cities

Over a million

Name Metro population (millions) Other names
البليدة (al-Blīdah) 1.1681 Blida, el Boulaïda
الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr city) 7.0812 Algiers, Alger
وهران (Wahrān 3.4543 Oran

Selected smaller cities or former cities of historical note

NameOther names
عنابة ('Annābah) Hippo, Bône, Annaba
بجاية (Bijāyah Béjaïa, Bougie
بونورة (Būnūrah) Bounoura
Dar-el Beïda: see الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr city)
غرداية (Ghardāīah) Ghardaïa
حاسي مسعود (Hāssī Mess'ūd) Hassi Messaoud
المعاضيد (al-M'ādīd Maadid
قسنطينة (Qusanṭīnah) Kirthan, Cirta, Constantina, Constantine
سطيف (Sétif)
تمنراست (Tamanrāsset) Tamanrasset
تيارت (Tīāret) Tiaret
تيبازة (Tībāzah) Tipaza
تلمسان (Tilimsān) Tlemcen
الوادي (āl-Wādī) el Oued4


1., accessed February 13, 2017.
2. 2012 calculation from, accessed February 6, 2013.
3., accessed February 13, 2017.
4. When not referring to the city, the Engish transciption is wadi, which means gulch.