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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)


تيبازة (Tībāzah)1 is located in its eponymous province, along a bay, in west north central الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr).2 In 2008 it had a population of 25 thousand in the city.3 UNESCO honors the area for its sixth century BCE to sixth century CE ruins, covering the Punic, Roman and Byzantine periods. Large structures include a royal mausoleum from when the kingdom was a Roman client state and a seven-aisled basilica.4

External references

Royal mausoleum, Tībāzah, al-Jazā'īr


1. Called Tipaza in French and English.
2. Called Algerie in French and Algeria in English.
3. Figures from the side bar of, accessed February 13, 2017.
4. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).