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بجاية (Bijāyah)

بجاية (Bijāyah)1 had a population of 176 thousand in 2008.2 It is located on a bay of the Mediterranean Sea on the central coast of الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr),3 just north of the Soumman River. It rose to prominence in the early second millenium when it became the capital of the Hammadid state. It was called Béjaïa when the French ruled.

The city is served by the Soumman-Albane Ramdane Airport, one of the nation's busiest.4

The oil port is of world importance.5

NameYearPopulationPolitical entity
بجاية (Bijāyah)1100 CE50,0006Hammadid state7
بجاية (Bijāyah)1200 CE50,0006al-Muwahhidūn (Almohad Empire)
بجاية (Bijāyah)1300 CE50,0006Sultanate of Tūnis (Hafsid Kingdom)
بجاية (Bijāyah)1400 CE40,0006Sultanate of Tūnis (Hafsid Kingdom)
بجاية (Bijāyah)1500 CE40,0006city state
بجاية (Bijāyah)1600 CE40,0006Eyalet-i Cezayir-i Garb (Regency of Algiers)8
بجاية (Bijāyah)2008 CE176,0002الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)

External references

overview of Bejāyah

Historical maps

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1100 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1200 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1300 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1400 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1500 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1600-1800 CE

map of Bijāyah, Jijel, Bordj Bou Arréridj, Sétif, Mila, M'Sila, Batna and Biskra provinces of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria), 1900 CE

map of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria) 2000 CE, showing Bijāyah


1. Béjaïa in French and formerly Bougie in French and English.
2., accessed February 13, 2017.
3. Algérie in French; Algeria in English.
4., accessed February 13, 2017; my criterion for importance was more than 100,000 annual passengers. The table covered 2008.
5. The Times Atlas of the Oceans (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1983), "commodity loading ports" map.
6. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987), "Tables of the World's Largest Cities." In 1100 and 1200 CE it was the largest city, and in 1300 and 1500 it was tied for largest city, in what is now الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr). The figures for 1400, 1500 and 1600 come from his 'Cities of Africa' table.
7. I do not know the formal name of the polity.
8. The eyalet owed nominal allegiance to the Ottoman Empire.