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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)


البليدة (al-Blīdah)1 is located in its eponymous province, at nearly 200 meters above sea level, at the foot of the Tell Atlas mountains, in north central الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr).2 In 2012 it had a population of 182 thousand in the city, 1.168 million in the metropolis.3 Perhaps the tallest structure is the Chréa Radio Tower (492 feet).4

External references

overview of the center of al-Blīdah, al-Jazā'īr

Historical map

map of al-Jazā'īr (Algérie or Algeria) 2000 CE, showing al-Blīdah


1. Usually called Blida in French (e.g., Noveau Petit Larousse en Couleurs, vol.2 (Librarie Larousse, 1968), and English (e.g., and The Times Atlas of the World: Ninth Comprehesive Edition (Times Books, 1992). Cf., 'El Boulaïda' in The New International Atlas: 25th ed. (Rand McNally, 1999).
2. Called Algerie in French and Algeria in English.
3. Figures from the side bar of, accessed February 13, 2017.
4. This is the only listing for the city in, accessed October 20, 2017.