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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)

سطيف (Sétif)

سطيف (Sétif) had a population of 288 thousand in 2008.1 It is located southeast of the national capital in the High Plains (steppe plateau) that is located between the Tell and the Saharan Atlas Mountains in north central الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr)2. The city became important during Roman rule as a provincial capital; tourists visit to see the classical remains.3 Perhaps the tallest structure is the Djebel Meghriss Radio Tower at 382 feet.4


1. Side bar of, accessed February 13, 2017.
2. Algérie in French; Algeria in English.
3. The city was one of the first ten listed in, accessed February, 2017.
4. lists only this structure for the city (accessed July 29, 2017).