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México--part: Veracruz1 and San Luis2 Potosí states

How is the land laid out?

The Eastern3 Madre4 Range5 separate the coastal lowlands that occupy most of Veracruz and eastermost San Luis Potosí from the plateau-lands that constitute the rest of San Luis Potosí. The south end of the range contains the highest peaks, with Orizaba in Veracruz topping 5000 meters.

The Panucó River flows across northern Veracruz.

Lake Catemaco sits amidst an patch of coastal mountains in southern Veracruz.


map of part of México: showing state borders and selected rivers

Who lives there?

This is one part of a large area of the Americas where Spanish and Roman Catholic Christianity represent the majority.

The capital and namesake of San Luis Potosí state is the only city with more than a million residents. Other present or former cities of note include: Tres Zapotes, Real de Catorce (or just Catorce), Cempoalatl (Zempoala or Cempoala), Veracruz and Poza Rica (whose bounds include the location of El Tajín, a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Another World Heritage Site is the "Historic Monuments Zone of Tlacotalpan."

Straddling the state border of Veracruz with Puebla and Hidalgo is the Chicontepec Formation oil field.

Who was there before?

A sampling of pre-Columbian languages follows: I. The Mayan languages spread from the south into Veracruz sometime after 800 B.C.E. Their languages borrowed heavily from the unrelated Olmec language. II. In central Veracruz Totanocan was spoken. III. The Olmecs who thrived in southeastern Veracruz and further southeast about 800 to 400 B.C.E. spoke a Mixe-Zoque language.

The best known religions were: I. the Jaguar Cult of the Olmecs, associated with the rain god and fertility. II. A rain god, Chac, held first place among the Mayans.

Around the Area

north of the northernmost tip of San Luis Potosí
east of northern and central Veracruz, and north of southern Veracruz
east, south and southwest of Veracruz
south of San Luis Potosí
west of San Luis Potos&iatute;


1. Translates as True-cross.
2. Translates as Holy or Saint Lewis.
3. Oriental in Spanish.
4. Mother in English.
5. Sierra in Spanish.