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Cempoalatl1 now called Cempoala or Zempoala) is a former Totonac city that was conquered by 'Texcoco and Tenochtitlan and Tlacopan' (the Aztec Empire) in the 15th century and aligned with Hernán Cortez in conquering that state, after which the city became part of the 'Corona de Castilla' and 'Reino d'Aragón' (together known as the Spanish Empire).2 Smallpox wiped it out later in the century.

YearPopulationPolitical entity
1500 CE30,0003Texcoco and Tenochtitlan and Tlacopan (Aztec Empire)

External references

Ruins of Cempoalatl (Cempoala or Zempoala), Veracruz State, México

Historical maps

map showing Veracruz 1500 CE


1. Its Nahautl (Aztec) name.
2. Technically the American lands belonged to the Castillan family, but the state was ruled jointly by the two monarchs.
3. Estimate in Tables of the World's Largest Cities, in Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987).