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To Earth (Geography Home Page) México Veracruz and San Luis Potosi states


Veracruz1 is a city of 552 thousand2 located along the Gulf of México in Veracruz State, México. Its tallest building is the 14 story Torre (Tower) Pemex. Other buildings of note include the Teatro (Theater) Francisco Javier Clavij (1835), the Faro (Lighthouse) Venustiano Carranza (1910), the Palacio Municipal (1608) and the Edificio de Telégrafos y Correos (Building of Telegraph and Mail, 1902).3

The General R.F. Villalobos International Airport is one of México's busiest.4

External references

The Faro Venustiano Carranza, Veracruz, Veracruz State, México


1. It means 'true cross,' a Christian religious term.
2. As of 2010 according to the side banner of, accessed 8/31/2015. (accessed in 2014) gives the metropolitan area 801 thousand residents.
3. Information about buildings is from, accessed 8/31/2015.
4., acccessed in 2014.