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Poza Rica

Poza Rica is a city of 181 thousand1 located in the valley of the Cazones River in Veracruz State, México. Within the metropolitan area (population 581 thousand)2 is the archaeological site of El Tajín. The original name of this Classical city is unknown but it reached its zenith from 800 to 1200, being destroyed early in the 13th century. Knowledge of the extent of the city's formal authority is uncertain, but was probably small.3 A village existed there by 1500, but the area was entirely overgrown by 1800. The modern city of Poza Rica to the site's north was founded in 1951.

The ruins are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The architecture is "unique in Meso-America, characterized by elaborate columns of carved reliefs and key-pattern friezes." The most famous building is the Pyramid of the Niches, which "rises to in six steps to a temple at the top, with eacch story having rows of square niches."4

YearPopulationPolitical entity
800 CE40,0005El Tajín city state6
900 CE50,0005El Tajín city state6
1000 CE50,0005El Tajín city state6
2010 CE581,0002México

External references

Pyramid of the Niches, El Tajín site near Poza Rica, Veracruz State, México

Historical maps

map showing Veracruz 800-900 CE

map showing Veracruz 1000 CE

map showing Veracruz 1100-1200 CE

map showing Veracruz and San Luis Potosí 1900 - 2000 CE


1. 2013 figure in the side banner of, accessed 8/10/2015.
2. 2010 figure for Greater Poza Rica in, accessed 9/29/2014.
3. Https:// (accessed 8/10/2015) says "And Elite hereditary rulers held sway over these small- to medium-sized regional centers, none over 2000 km˛," and cites Christopher Poole, 'Gulf Coast Classic,' in Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember, eds., Encyclopedia of Prehistory, Vol. 5, Middle America (Springer Publishing, 2002). Https://, accessed 8/11/2015 says "[f]rom 600 to 1200 C.E., El Tajín was a prosperous city that eventually controlled much of what is now modern Veracruz state" but cites support only for a weaker statement about extensive cultural influence. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010) concurs with the statement about extensive cultural influence, but does not speculate about statist authority.
4. Both quotes are from UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
5. Estimate in Tables of the World's Largest Cities, in Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987).
6. The original name of the political entity is unknown.