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Weddell Sea


This part of the Atlantic Ocean lies east of the Palmer Peninsula, south of the South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands, north of the mainland of Lesser Antarctica, and west of Greater Antarctica. Much of the area is taken up by the Ronne and Filchener Ice Shelves. Several large islands are embedded in these; Berkner is the largest. Much of the remainder of the sea contains sea ice year round. At its northest is the Weddell Abyssal Plain. Just north of the ice shelves is the General Belgrano Bank.

Around the Area

north, from the northeast
east, from the southeast
south, from the Brunt Ice Shelf
south, from the Filchener and Ronne Ice Shelves, and west, from all but the area west of the Korff Ice Rise
west, from the area west of the Korff Ice Rise
north, from the northwest
north, from the north center