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Antarctica--part: Dronning Maud Land (Norge)

How is the land laid out?

Dronning1 Maud Land, a claim of Norge,2 is within Greater Antarctica. Other than the tail end of the Transantarctic Mountains--the eastern end of the Shackleton Range--the area has two land and three sea zones. Most of the land is a plateau covered by thick ice. Near the coast are mountain ranges, which rise above 3,000 meters. Immediately off shore are ice shelves, except at the end of a few peninsulas and at the head of one inlet-like break. Further out is sea ice, varying seasonally in extent and degree of packedness.

Who lives there?

There are five research stations: a German and a South African one in the west; an Indian and a Russian one in the center; and a Japanese one in the east. One would guess that German, Russian, Japanese and perhaps English and Hindi, are used.3 Even more speculatively; the religions--either practiced or as cultural backgrounds--might be Christian, Hindu and Buddhist/ Shintoist, but there are other possibilites.

Within the Area

Western Queen Maud Land
Central Queen Maud Land
Eastern Queen Maud Land


1. Queen in English.
2. Norway in English.
3. German, Hindi, English and Russian are all Indo-European languages.