Colombia--part: Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Norte de(1) Santander Departments; Arauca and Casanere Intendencies; Distrito Especial(2); Vichada, Guaviare, Guainía, Vaupés and Amazon(3) Administrative Territories

How is the land laid out?

Of the three ranges of the Andes only the northern Eastern(4) range is within this area. It reaches 5493 meters at Sierra Nevada(4). East of this wall is the Amazon basin. The inland forests include the headwaters of the Negro(5), known as the Guainía within Colombia and part of the upper Japurá(6), known locally as the Caquetá.

Who lives there?

This is one part of a large area of the Americas where Spanish and Roman Catholic Christianity represent the majority.


Who was there before?

A sampling of pre-Columbia languages follows: I. Arawakan languages were spoken in Vichada, Aruaca and Guainía, as well as northeastern Colombia. II. Chibchan languages were spoken in the highlands of northern Colombia, as well as in Central America. III. Tucanoan languages were spoken in Vaupés and other parts of southern Colombia. IV. Witotoan languages were spoken in Amazon Territory and further west.

southwest of Amazonas
south of Guianía and east of Vaupés and Amazonas
northwest from Boyacá and Norte de Santander

Other broad topics

South America


(1) Translates as North of.
(2) Translates as Special District.
(3) Amazonas in Spanish.
(4) Translates as Snowy Range.
(5) Translates as Black.
(6) South America's sixth or seventh longest river.
(7) Translates as Holy Faith of.