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North Sea1


This sea, part of the Atlantic Ocean, lies between the Scandanavian Peninsula, Great Britain and the northwest of the main body of the European continent. It is entirely on the continental shelf. Depths do not exceed 300 meters. Joint oil and gas fields include Gullfaks, Oseberg, Snorre, Statfjord and Troll. Oil fields include Ekofisk and Forties. Gas fields include Asgard, Amethyst, Easington Catchment Area, Everest, Heimdal, Indefatigable, Kristin, Kvitebjon, Lemen, Mikkel, Eldfisk, Sleipner, Valhall, Viking and Visund.

Around the area

northeast, from the north of the sea
northeast, from the center of the sea
east and southeast


1. Also known as the German Ocean.