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Barents (or Barencevo or Barentsevo) Sea (More)


This shallow sea, part of the Arctic Ocean lies north of mainland Europe and south of Franz Josef Land.1 To its northwest is Svalbard. Its west is a line from Svalbard through Bear Island2 to Norway's North Cape. Its east is a line from eastern Franz Josef Land through Novaja Zeml'a (Novaya Zemlya) to Vajgač (Vaygach) Island to the Yurgorskiy Peninsula of Russia. It is permanently ice free along northern Norge (Norway) and past Murmansk, due to a warm current related to the North Atlantic Drift, and is entirely beyond permanent pack ice. The White Sea (Beloye more) is a southern arm of this sea.

The Barents Basin for natural gas is located here and includes the Shtokman Gas Field (north of the Kola Peninsula), and the Ledovoe, Beregovoye and Ludlovskoye gas fields.

The Barents Sea includes the Pechora Sea, the area north of the eponymous river, and in that are the North- and South-Dolginskoye oil fields and the Priazlomnoye Oil Field.

Around the Area

north from the sea's northeast
east, from the sea's northeast
east, from the sea's center, and south from the sea's southeast and south center
south, from the sea's southwest
north, from the sea's northwest


1. Zemlya Frantsa-Iosefa in transliterated Russian.
2. Bjornøja in Norwegian.