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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)

المعاضيد (al-M'ādīd)

المعاميد (al-M'ādīd)1 had a population of 22 thousand in 1998.2 The municipality is located just south of the provincial border (within الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr)3), which is along the Hodna Mountains, part of the Saharan Atlas Mountains. Within the municipality is the World Heritage Site of the Beni Hammad fortified (but ruined) city, a former capital of the 11th century Hammadid state. Its mosque had a 25 meter minaret and a prayer room with thirteen aisles and eight bays.4


1. Often transcribed as Maadid. Maps show 'Bichara.'
2. Side bar of, accessed February 13, 2017. The population is of the municipality.
3. Algérie in French; Algeria in English.
4. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).