
How is the land laid out?

There are three geophysical regions: an arid, narrow coastal plain; steeply rising mountains that top out above 3,700 meters; and an arid plateau. Seasonally wet gullies drain both sides of the mountains: the Bana and the Masilah (or Hadhramaut(2)) are the most important. Yemen includes islands in the Red Sea like Hanish, and an island far out into the Arabian Sea: Socotra(3).

Who lives there?

More than nine in every ten speak Arabian dialects of Arabic. The rest speak a miscellany of languages. Almost everyone is a Sunni Moslem.

San'a is the only city with more than a million inhabitants.

Who was there before?

The past

northeast, from the northeast
northeast, from the east
southeast, from the southeast
northwest, from the northeast of former Northern Yemen

Other broad topics

Arabian Peninsula


(1) al-Yaman in strictly transliterated Arabic.
(2) Or Hadramawt.
(3) Suqutra in strictly transliterated Arabic.