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To Earth (Geography Home Page) Hispanic Peru


Trujillo is a city of 780 thousand1 along the northwest coast of Perú, in La Libertad Región, at the mouth of the Moche River. Just north of the city proper2 is the site of Chan Chan, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This former city, said to be the largest in Latin America in its time,3 was the capital of the Chimor kingdom. The tallest building in the modern city is the SERVAT building (12 stories) topped by a Pepsi sign.4

External references

Chan Chan site, by Trujillo, Perú


1., accessed 3/12/2014.
2. Graze the Chan Chan panel to see an arrow pointing to the location of the site relative to the city on,-79.0536909,7039m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en. The site is within the continuous urban zone of the later Spanish city.
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
4., accessed 3/12/2014.