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Rivera, Uruguay, a city of 64 thousand,1 sits on the north central border of Uruguay. It shares a square--as a duty free zone--with Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul (state), South Region, Brasil (Brazil). The tallest building is the Edificio (building) Sarandi y Paysandú.2 The area is served by the Pte. Gral. Óscar D. Gestido International Airport.3

External references

Plaza Internacional, Rivera, Uruguay and Santana do Livramento, Rio Grande do Sul, South Region, Brasil


1. 2011 figure from the side bar of, accessed April 27, 2016.
2., accessed June 8, 2016.
3., critiria for selecting from this list: scheduled service on commerical airlines; accessed April 27, 2016.