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New South Wales, ACT and Jervis Bay Territory


The Melbourne metropolitan area has 3.687 million residents1 centered at the head of Port Phillip Bay. The city itself is the capital of Victoria State, Australia. UNESCO honors its Royal Exhibition Hall and associated Carlton Gardens as a World Heritage Site. The hall was built for permanence and mixes a number of architectural styles. The gardens include parterre garden beds, some wide avenues, paths, two small lakes and three fountains.2 The tallest building is the 91 story residential tower, Eureka, completed in 2006; it includes an observation deck on the 88th floor.3

One of Australia's busiest airports is located about 17 kilometers northwest of the city center.4

YearPopulationPolitical entity
1900 CE485,0005United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
2013 CE3,687,0001Australia

mid-ground complexly-shaped tower; foreground trees (palm in center); background: sky
Eureka tower, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Historical maps

map showing part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1900 CE

map showing part of Australia, 2000 CE


1. Calculation for 2013 in, accessed 4/20/2013.
2. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
3., accessed 12/3/2013.
4., accessed 4/20/2013.
5. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987), "Tables of World's Largest Cities". From 1900 to the present Melbourne has been the largest city in Victoria and Tasmania.