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To Earth (Geography Home Page) Uruguay


Maldonado, Uruguay, a city of 63 thousand,1 sits in south central Uruguay along the Atlantic Ocean coast and forms a metropolitan area with nearby towns like Punta de Este. Tourists visit 'Los Dedos Playa Brava' ('La Mano en la Arena'), a modern sculpture at the town of Punta de Este (as well as the town's yacht club). The area is served by the C/C Carlos A. Curbelo de Laguna del Sauce International Airport.2

External references

Los Dedos Playa Brava, Punta del Este (near Maldonado), Uruguay


1. 2011 figure from the side bar of,_Uruguay, accessed April 27, 2016.
2., critiria for selecting from this list: scheduled service on commerical airlines; accessed April 27, 2016.