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To Earth (Geography Home Page) الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr or Algeria)

حاسي مسعود (Hāssī Mess'ūd)

حاسي مسعود (Hāssī Mess'ūd)1 had a population of 45 thousand in 2008.2 It is located in the Sahara Desert, in Warglāh (Ouargla) Province, in الجزائر (al-Jazā'īr).3 It has an oil field4 and is served by the Oued Irara-Krim Belkacem Airport, one of the nation's busiest.5 It is notorious for its misogyny.6

External references

overview of Hāssī Mess'ūd, al-Jazā'īr


1. The city is usually spelled Hassi Messaoud in French and English.
2. Side banner of, accessed February 13, 2017.
3. Algérie in French; Algeria in English.
4., accessed February 13, 2017.
5., accessed February 13, 2017; criteria for inclusion: more than 100 thousand total annual passengers.
6., accessed April 11, 2017, citing, which they retrieved on August 13, 2011..