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Gulf of Guinea


This body of water, part of the Atlantic Ocean, is defined by the great bend of the African continent, from Growa Point on the west to Cape Lopez on the southeast. The coast follows three gentle curves: the first from Growa Point along the Ivory Coast to Cape Three Points; the second from there to the Niger River delta--marking off the Bight of Benin; and the last from the river mouths to Cape Lopez--delimiting the Bight of Biafra. Much of the gulf's waters are on the continental margins, but depths nonetheless reach below 5000 meters. Bioko, Sao Tome and Principe are the principle islands.

Oil and gas fields

Nigeria is, at the beginning of the 21st century, a major producer of oil and natural gas. Large oil fields are located off shore at Agbami, off the Niger Delta, and Bonga, 120 km southwest of the Niger Delta. Large natural gas fields off shore at Akpo, near Port Harcourt, and Bonga.

Around the Gulf

north, from the center of the gulf
north, from east of the center of the gulf
between the Bight of Biafra and the Atlantic Ocean
north, from the west of the gulf
north, from west of the center of the gulf