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Cuiabá, formerly known as Cuyabá, is a city of 551 thousand1 located along a river of the same name2 in the south center of Mato Grosso state, which is in the Center-West Region of Brasil (Brazil). The town was founded in the 18th century during a gold rush, but rose to prominence as a support center for the Brazilian war with Paraguay (1864-1870),3 and grew further after 1970.4 The tallest building is the residential tower, Fontana di Trevi (348 feet, 32 stories, 1998).4 It is served by one of Brasil's busiest airports.4

Cuyabá1900 CE34,0006
Cuiabá2013 CE551,0001

External references

Overview of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Center-West Region, Brasil (Brazil)

Historical maps

map showing part of Brasil (Brazil), 1900 CE

map showing part of Brasil (Brazil), 2000 CE


1. Figure for 2013 in the side banner of, accessed 8/10/2015.
2. The Cuiabá flows south into the Paraguai (Paraguay), which flows south into the Paraná, which ends in the estuarine, River de la Plata.
3., accessed 8/10/2015.
4., accessed 8/10/2015. That site gives the metropolitan population as about 900 thousand.
5. Over one million passengers in 2014 per, accessed 9/29/2014.
6. Estimate in Tables of the World's Largest Cities, in Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987).