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औरंगाबाद (Aurangābād)

औरंगाबाद (Aurangābād),1 महाराश्त्र (Mahārāhtra),2 भारत (Bhārat),3 has 1.189 million metropolitan4 and 1.137 million city5 residents. It is located south of the Sahyadriparvat6 Range in the Deccan lava plateau. It is near by the Ellora rock-cut temple complex. There are local replicas of the Ajanata rock-cut complex and the Taj Mahal, and the city is a center of Neo-Buddhism.7

YearPopulationPolitical entity
1700 CE200,0008Mughliyah Sultanat (Mughal Empire)
1800 CE30,0008Peshwadom of Pune (Peshwa)
2011 CE1,189,0004भारत (Bhārat or India)

External references

Bibi Ka Maqbara, Aurangābād, Aurangābād Division, Mahārāshtra, Bhārat (or India)

Historical maps

map showing parts of the Mughliyah Sultanat (Mughal Empire), 1700 CE

map showing parts of the Peshwadom of Pune (Peshwa) and the Kingdom of Great Britain (British Empire), 1800 CE

map showing part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (British Empire), 1900 CE

map showing part of Bhārat (India), 2000 CE


1. Also called Shambajnagar (, accessed February 18, 2008).
2. Ideally the final consonant cluster and vowel is rendered by a single ligature for the three akṣaras.
3. India in English.
4. 2011 from (citing, accessed 4/25/2014), accessed 9/29/2014.
5. Side banner of,_Maharashtra, accessed 1/26/2015.
6. Also called Ajanta.
7. The founder's name is attached to a university and a law college.
8. Estimate in Tables of the World's Largest Cities, in Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987). In 1700 औरंगाबाद (Aurangābād) was the largest city in what is now महाराश्त्र (Mahārāhtra).