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Arequipa is a city of 805 thousand1 situated at over 2000 meters along the Chili River southwest of the Andes Mountains in the región of the same name in Perú. Tourists enjoy its Santa Catalina Monastery (monasterio).2 The center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that includes the Plaza de Armas with its mid-19th century cathedral and the church and cloisters of La Compañea (18th century).3 Perhaps the tallest buildings are the set of six Villa Médica residential towers (14 stories, 1997).4

External references

cathedral, Arequipa city, Perú


1., accessed 3/12/2014.
2., accessed 2/25/2014.
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
4., accessed 3/12/2014.