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Françaises Southern and antarctiques Lands1(France)--part: Adélie Land

How is the land laid out?

This set of territories comprises less than 350,000 square kilometers, about 340,000 of it in Antarctica and nearly 8,000 in some islands in the southern Indian Ocean. The mainland is typical of Greater Antarctica: an ice-covered plateau with a rough sea-ward edge, ice shelves abutting the shore and sea ice--varying seasonally in packing density and extent.


map of Adélie Land

Who lives there?

There is one year-round research station. The administrative language, French, would be spoken, and the most likely religioius background would be Roman Catholic Christian.

Who was there before?

Greater Antarctica was not visited before the late 19th century.

Around the Area

north of the mainland and around the islands


1. French Southern and Antarctic Lands (fully in English). Antarctic claims are still in abeyance as of 2014.