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العيون (al-'uyūn)

العيون (al-'uyūn)1 had a population of 196 thousand in 2010.2 It is located along the dry river of Saguia el Hamra in the 'uyūn-Sakia el Hamra Region of امغرب (al-Maghreb).3 The modern city extends to the Atlantic Ocean as an important phosphate port called Fos Bucraa.4

External references

overview of al-'uyūn, al-Maghreb


1. Laâyoune in French and Laayoune in English.
2. Side bar of, accessed February 23, 2017.
3. Maroc in French; Morocco in English.
4. The Times Atlas of the Oceans (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1983), "commodity loading ports" map.