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Βέροια (Véroia)

Βέροια (Véroia),1 is a city on the Tripotamos River2 at the high western end of the Macedonian Plain, and at the foot of the Vérmio Mountains within the Decentralized Administration of Makedonía3 and Thrákē,4 in Ελλάς (Ellás).5 It has a population of 43 thousand.6 One of the municipality's units, Vergína, known in ancient times as Aỉgaí, was a summer capital for Phílippos II of Makedṓn. The archaelogical site is a UNESCO World Heritage site that includes a monumental palace that overlooks the plains, and a necropolis that extends over three kilometers and includes the gold casket of Phílippos II.7

External references

diadem found in the tombs at ancient Aỉgaí, now part of Véroia, Makedonía, Ellás


1. Veria in English.
2. The Tripotamos flows into the Aliákmonas (also called the Aliákmōn; Haliacmon in English), which flows into the Thermaïkós (Thermaic in English) Gulf, which is the northwest arm of the Aegean Sea. The Aegean is a northward extension of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and through the Turkish Straits the connection between the Mediterranean and the Black seas.
3. Macedonia in English.
4. Also transliterated as Thráki. Thrace in English.
5. Also called Ελλάδα (Elláda); Greece in English.
6. 2011 figure from, accessed March 21, 2018.
7. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).