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Stellenbosch is located on the Eerste1 River in Western Cape Province, South Africa2, has a population of 106 thousand3 and is nicknamed Eikestad, the City of Oaks, for the roadside trees. It is a tourism and educational center located in the Cape Winelands viticultural zone.

External references

overview of Stellenbosch and its valley, with mountains in the distance, Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa/ Afrika/ Aforika, Afurika


1. Eerste means 'first' in Afrikaans.
2. Afrika in Afrikaans, Southern Ndbele, Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, Northern and Southern Sotho and Tsonga; Aforika in Tswana; and Afurika in Venda.
3., accessed 1/12/2013.