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Севастополь (Sevastopol')

Севастополь (Sevastopol')1 is located on and near a bay on the southwest of the Krym (Crimean) Peninsula. It has just over 330 thousand residents.2 Within the city limits are the ruins of Χερσών (Khersón).3 The ruins date back to early Greek days, and later the city was fortified by Rhomania (Romania or the Byzantine Empire), taken by the Genoese4 in the 13th century and destroyed in the 14th century. The modern city of Севастополь was founded in the 18th century. The tallest buildings are the Astan Kesaeva 13 and 15, which are 12 story residential towers.5 One of the monuments is the Column of the Eagle. The city is a port for both the Ukrainian and the Russian navy.

YearPopulationPolitical entity
800 BCE20,0006Rhomania (Rhomania or the Byzantine Empire)
1000 BCE25,0007Rhomania (Rhomania or the Byzantine Empire)

External references

ruins of Χερσών (Khersón) in the foreground, a church on a hill in the background

Historical maps

map showing part of Rhomania (Romania or The Byzantine Empire) and part of Hazar Kağangliği (Khazaria) 800 to 900 CE

map showing part of Rhomania (Romania or The Byzantine Empire) and part of Hazar Kağangliği (Khazaria) 1000 CE

map showing part of Rhomania (Romania or The Byzantine Empire) and part of Tmurtarakan' 1100 to 1200 CE

map showing parts of the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde or Kipchak Khanate), the Autokratoría Trapezoúntos (Trebizond state) and Serenìsima Respùblica de Venexia (Republic of Venice) ,1300 CE


1. Sevastopol or Sebastopol in English.
2., accessed 9/15/2012.
3. Also spelled Cherson, and called Chersonesus or Chersonesus Taurica.
4. I do not know the name the Italians called the city.
5., accessed 9/15/2012.
6. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987), "Cities of Europe, 800".
7. Chandler, ibid., "Tables of World's Largest Cities"