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Santiago de Guayaquil

Santiago de Guayaquil (or just Guayaquil), the capital of the Guayas Province in the Republic of the Equator (Ecuador), and center of the national coastal lowland culture, is a port located on the right bank of the Guayas River, about 64 kilometers north of the Gulf of Guayaquil. It is named after the royal couple, Guayas and Quil, who commited suicide rather than surrender to the Spanish. It has a metropolitan population of 2.440 million.1 The tallest building is the 33 story Banco La Previsora tower, although a taller one is under construction.2

YearPopulationPolitical entity
1900 CE51,0003Republic of the Equator (Ecuador)
2012 CE2,440,0001Republic of the Equator (Ecuador)

External references

Guayaquil's river front, with the Banco La Previsora tower in the background

Historical maps

map showing part of the Republic of the Equator (Ecuador), 1900 CE

map showing part of the Republic of the Equator (Ecuador), 2000 CE


1., 2012 calculation, accessed 2/6/2013.
2., accessed 12/3/2013.
3. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987), "Tables of the World's Largest Cities 1900"