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Santa Ana de Los Quatros Ríos de Cuenca

Santa Ana de Los Quatros Ríos de Cuenca1 is located at or near where the four rivers of Machángara, Tomembamba, Tarqui and Yanunquay flow into or form the Matadero (or Cuenca) River at about 2500 meters.2 Cuenca is the capital of Azuay Province in the Republic of the Equator (Ecuador). The historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that honors the city of 1557 whose plannning followed the orthogonal layout insisted on by King Carlos V of España (Spain) and the preservation of its 18th century structures. Later development associated with the quinine and straw hat trade added more modern buildings.3 There is now a 14 story Edificio de Cámara de Industrias de Cuenca.4

External references

Santa Ana de Los Quatros Ríos de Cuenca, Republic of the Equator (Ecuador)


1. 'Holy or Saint Ana of the Four Rivers of the River Basin' in English
2.,_Ecuador and, both accessed 10/31/2013. The Matadero flows into the Paute, which flows into the Upano, which flows into the Santiago, which flows into the Marañón in Péru, which is one of the headwaters of the Amazonas (Amazon).
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
4., accessed 10/31/2013. The name translates as Hall of Industry Building of Cuenca.