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Olomouc is a medium sized city located on the Morava River1 in Morava (Moravia), in the Česká (Czech) Republic. It has a population of 101 thousand.2 It is a tourist destination and its Holy Trinity Column is honored by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The Baroque column was erected as the city rebuilt from the 30 Years War and features civic and religious sculptures, some by Ondrej Zahner.3 The city's demography was changed in the 20th century: first its Jews were deported by its Germans, and later its Germans were deported. The tallest building is the Regionálni Centrum Olomouc Building 2, a 20 story office tower completed in 2003.4

External references

Square containing the Holy Trinity Column and fountains, Olomouc, Česká (Czech) Republic


1. The Morava (March) flows into the Donau.
2., accessed 9/13/2013.
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).
4., accessed 11/19/2013.