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Njimye, also called Njimi, Jima and Anjimi, was the capital of Kanem from the mid-11th to the mid-14th centuries CE. In 1200 it had more than 20 thousand and in 1300 more than 40 thousand people.1 Its location is unknown but is most commonly supposed to be in what is now Kanem Prefecture, Niger, south of the equally lost site of Manan. Before 1400 the state's capital moved to Bornu.


map showing part of Kanem, 1300 CE


1. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth. Continental Tables and Maps Africa Guinea 1200 lists it without a population estimate but between Zagha with 20 thousand and Ghana with 25 thousand. The 1300 South Moslem chart lists it in first place, above Mali, which has an estimated 40 thousand residents.