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新潟 (Niigata)

新潟 (Niigata) is a city with a metropolitan population of 1.443 million1 located at the mouths of the Shinano and Agano Rivers along the coast of the Sea of Japan. It is the capital of Niigata Prefecture in ⽇夲 (Nippon).2 The tallest building is the 31 story Hotel Nikko Niigata.3

External references

Niigata skyline, Nippon (Japan)

Historical maps

map showing Nippon (Japan), 2000 CE


1. 2005 census from the Statistics Bureau of Japan, cited in, accessed 3/25/2014.
2. Informally also called Nihon in Japanese, and known as Japan in English.
3., accessed 7/1/2014. The observatory claims to be the tallest on the Japanese coast of the Sea of Japan.