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Mossel Bay

Mossel Bay1 is located on and nearby the north side of Cape Saint Blaize peninsula, along the Indian Ocean in Western Cape Province, South Africa.2 It has a population of 95 thousand,3 and is along the tourists' Garden Route. It has a gas-to-liquids refinery to handle natural gas from offshore fields. A tall building is the Diaz Strand Hotel & Resort at 13 stories.4

External references

aerial view of Cape Saint Blaize peninsula and the city of Mossel Bay (Mosselbaai), Western Cape Province, Republic of South Africa/ Afrika/ Aforika, Afurika


1. Mosselbaai in Afrikaans.
2. Afrika in Afrikaans, Southern Ndbele, Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, Northern and Southern Sotho and Tsonga; Aforika in Tswana; and Afurika in Venda.
3., accessed 1/12/2013.
4., accessed 1/12/2013.