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Míλητoς (Milētos)

Míλητoς (Milētos or Miletus), later ملت1 (Milet), was one of the twelve cities united as Íōnes, ten being along the central west coast of what is now Türkiye (some like Milētos are now inland due to silting) and the other two on nearby islands. It became foremost by the mid-seventh century. Its importance dwindled as its harbor silted, and it was abandoned by 1500 CE. The remains of its ampitheatre, stoa and other buildings date from the seventh century, though the old market gate was removed to Berlin.

YearPopulation2Political entity
650 BCE50,000Íōnes (Ionian League)

External references

ampitheatre at Milētos

Historical maps

map showing part of Íōnes, 650 BCE

map showing part of Athēnai, 430 BCE

map showing Meletos and part of Arche Seleukeia, 200 BCE

map showing part of Senatvs Pvblvsqve Romanvs, 100 CE

map showing part of Rhomania (Romania), 361 through 1200 CE

map showing part of the Aydin Beylik, 1300 CE

map showing part of the Rhomania (Romania), 1400 CE


1. I am uncertain about the final (leftmost) consonant. It might have been ط.
2. Estimates in Tables of the World's Largest Cities, in Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987). In 650 BCE it was the largest city in what is now Türkiye (Turkey) and the seventh largest city in the world.