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Matera is a city of 61 thousand1 located in a canyon associated with the Gravina River2 within its own province in the Basilicata Region of Italia.3 Its cave dwellings (sassi) that were inhabited from several millenia BCE at least until modern slum clearance projects and its cave (rupestrian) churches are honored by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The caves are not naturally formed but rather carved out of the soft rock.4
Sassi (rock cut dwellings) in Matera, Matera Province, Basilicata Region, Italia
1. 2011 figure from, accessed February 16, 2017.
2. The Gravina flows into the Bradano, which flows into the Gulf of Taranto.
3. Italy in English.
4., accessed January 8, 2018, and UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).