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Libreville, the capital of Gabon, began as a Roman Catholic mission in the mid-19th century, and expanded as a haven for freed slaves, hence its French name 'free city." It had a population in 2006 of 591 thousand1 and is located southwest of Cape Estérias on the south shore of the estuary of Gabon (the mouth of the Komo River). A couple of hotels are the current tallest buildings, but construction started on a 15 story building for the Banques des Estats de l'Afrique centrale (Bank of Central African States) in 2006.2

External references

skyline of Libreville, Gabon

Historical maps

map showing Gabon, Equatorial Guinée (Guinea), and São and Príncipe, 2000 CE


1. Estimate in, accessed 3/13/2014. It was the largest city among those in Gabon, Equatorial Guinée (Guinea), and São and Príncipe in 2000 and still is today.
2., accessed 3/25/2014. I'm not sure when the page was last updated. I presumed the two finished hotels listed there were the tallest buildings but this isn't certain.