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熊夲 (Kumamoto)

熊夲 (Kumamoto) is the center city of a metropolitan area of 1.462 million,1 of which 731 thousand live within the city's limits.2 It is located along the Shirakawa River in the Kumamoto Prefecture of west central Kyūshū Island, ⽇夲 (Nippon).3 The tallest building as of mid-2014 is the 36 floor Kumamoto Tower (2011).4

External references

Kumamoto Castle, Nippon (Japan)

Historical maps

map showing Nippon (Japan), 2000 CE


1. 2005 census from the Statistics Bureau of Japan, cited in, accessed 3/25/2014.
2. 2010 figure from the side banner of, accessed 7/2/2014.
3. In less formal contexts the pronunciation shifts to the more modern: Nihon. In English: Japan.
4., accessed 7/2/2014.