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Kroměříž is a small city located along a former ford over the Morava River1 in the Česká (Czech) Republic. It has a population of 29 thousand.2 A bishop's palace and formal gardens there are honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The castle was partly destroyed in the 30 years war and then burned in the 18th century, but restored and modified after each event. The lustgarden (pleasure garden) was started in the 17th century by the architect, Filiberto Lucchese. Docorative bridges, cast locally, were added in the 19th century. The palace connects to the gardens through an 18th century arcaded corridor.3

External references

Parliamentary Hall, Bishop's Palace, Kroměříž, Česká (Czech) Republic


1. The Morava (March) flows into the Donau.
2., accessed 9/13/2013.
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010).