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To Chris Home Pageal-'Arabīyah as-Su'ūdīyah (Saudi Arabia)
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جدة (Jiddah1)

جدة (Jiddah), Saudi Arabia's2 port on the Red Sea, is west of مكة (Makkah3) and has over three million residents.4 The city grew in the 17th century as the point of entry for Moslems on pilgrammage to مكة (Makkah). The tallest building is the 37 story office skyscraper, King's Road Tower, although much higher tower is approved for construction. The National Commerce Bank building, whose architect was Gordon Bunshaft, has seven story courtyards pieced out of its facade.5 The city also boasts a tall water jet, King Fahd's Fountain.

YearPopulationPolitical entity
2000 CE3,376,8024part of العربية السعودية (al-'Arabīyah as-Su'ūdīyah, Saudi Arabia)

External references

view from beach to King Fahd's Fountain

Historical maps

map showing part of al-'Arabīyah as-Su'ūdīyah (Saudi Arabia) 2000 CE


1. Or Jedda or Jeddah.
2. العربية السعودية (al-'Arabīyah as-Su'ūdīyah) in Arabic.
3. Mecca in English.
4., accessed 7/28/2012.
5. Information about building comes from, accessed 6/9/2012.