Hudson Bay


Hudson Bay is much bigger than a bay--it is truly an inland sea, lying between western Canada to its west and the Ungava Peninsula east. It is considered part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is over 1300 kilometers north-south and 1000 kilometers east-west. To its north is the Canadian Archipelago, most immediately the islands of Southampton, Coats, Mansel, Nottingham and Salisbury(2). The last two are at the entrance to Hudson Strait which connects the Bay to the Atlantic Ocean.(1) Between Southampton and the Foxe Peninsula of Baffin Island is the beginning of the Foxe Channel which connects Hudson Bay to the Arctic waters surrounding the archipelago. Its southern extension is James Bay.

northwest and north
south within the bay
south southwest


(1) Sometimes Hudson Bay is deemed part of the Atlantic and sometimes part of the Arctic.
(2) All islands within the bay are part of Nunavut.