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غزة (Ghazzah)

غزة (also transliterated as Gazzah or Gaza) is the main city in its eponymous strip,1 and its metropolitan area includes the entire strip plus a bit of adjacent مصر (Miṣr), with a population of 1.919 million.2

External references

skyline of Ghazzah

Historical maps

map of Yisra'el, Lubnān, Urdun and the Ghazzah Strip 2000 CE showing Ghazzah


1. In these pages, ישראל (Yisra'el or Israel) includes all of Yerusalayim/ al-Quds (Jerusalem) and the entire West Bank. The United Nations recognizes the State of Palestine, centered in al-Quds and the West Bank, and including the غزة (Ghazzah, Gazzah or Gaza) Strip. The غزة Strip is in fact independent of the Palestinian government that is centered outside of the strip. I am ignorant of whether the غزة government calls itself the State of Palestine as does the West Bank government, so I just called it the غزة Strip for now. The West Bank area is not a de facto state based on 2013 conditions. While the Palestinian government has civil and police control over scattered areas, and civil-only control over other areas, ישראל (Yisra'el or Israel) has total control or police-only control over the rest. The West Bank is still de facto occupied notwitstanding the scattered partial or whole exceptions to Israeli control.
2., accessed 6/3/2013.