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Densenzano del Garda

Densenzano del Garda (locally called Dezensà) is a city of 28 thousand1 on the southwest shore of Lake Garda,2 in Brescia Province in the Lombardia (locally Lumbardia)3 Region of Italia.4 It is one of many Alpine places where there are remains of prehistoric pile dwellings; together these constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.5

External references

Castle at Densenzano del Garda, Brescia Province, Lombardia, Italia


1. 2011 figure from the side bar of, accessed February 16, 2017.
2. Lake Garda is drained by the Mincio River, which is a left bank tributary of the Po, which flows into the Adriatic Sea.
3. Lombardy in English.
4. Italy in English.
5., accessed January 31, 2018.