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Coimbra, a city of over 143 thousand,1 is along the right (north) bank of the Modego River, in the Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community of Portugal. The 'University of Coimbra--Alta and Sofia' is honored by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Attention is drawn to the Cathedral of Santa Cruz (12th century); the Royal Palace of Alcáçova (part of the university since 1537); the Baroque-decorated Joanine Library; Botanical Garden (18th century) and the 'University City' (1940s).2 The city's tallest building is the Torre de Arnado (160 feet).3

External references

Royal Palace of Alcáçova (administration building of the University of Coimbra--Alta and Sofia), Coimbra, Coimbra Region Intermunicipal Community, Portugal


1. 2011 figure from the side bar of, accessed December 28-30, 2015.
2., accessed April 23, 2016.
3., accessed April 23, 2016.