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Australian Antarctic Territory--part: 90 to 105 degrees east

How is the land laid out?

This part of Greater Antarctica follows the typical pattern. Most of the land is a high plateau, covered with thick ice. Near the coast are low mountains, particularly towards the east, such as Mt. Amundsen and the Bunger Hills. Just west of them is an exception, an indent through the coastal barrier: Scott and Derriman Glaciers, slowly sliding seaward. Beyond the land is the Shackleton Ice Shelf, studded with islands; Mill and Masson are the largest. Beyond that is sea ice, in summer so packed as to become a solid cover only in the west; the eastern shelf borders open water seasonally.


map of the central part of the Australian Antarctic Territory

Who lives there?

There is one research base, Mirnyy, administered by Russia. It is a reasonable guess that language and religious background match that of the administrative nation: Russian and Russian Orthodox Christianity.

Who was there before?

No-one even visited here Greater Antarctica before the late 19th century.

Around the Area
