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Bardejov is a small city near the Top'la River1 in the northeast of the Slovenská (Slovak) Republic in the foothills of the Beskyd (Beskid) portion of the Karpaty (Carpthian) mountains. It has a population of 33 thousand.2 The conservation area in the city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main square is surrounded by 46 burger houses and the basilica of St. Egidia. Also honored is the former Jewish quarter with its Great Synagogue, mikveh (ritual bath), a kosher slaughterhouse and a meeting building.3 Most of the local Jews were killed in the mid-20th century.

External references

main square of Bardejov, Slovenská (Slovak) Republic


1. The Svratka flows into the Ondava, which joins the Latorica to form the Bodrog, which flows into the Tisza (Tisa), a tributary of the Dunav (Danube).
2., accessed 9/13/2013.
3. UNESCO, World Heritage Sites (Firefly Books, 2010). The spelling of the saint's name was take from, accessed 11/19/2013.