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Bahía Blanca

Bahía Blanca, is a city of 304 thousand1 located at the head of the esturine bay with its name,2 at the south end of the main bulge of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. The city serves as a major grain port.3 The tallest building is the Palacio Municipal (city hall, 138 feet, 1909).4 The city and its suburbs are served by the Commandate Espora Airport, one of Argentina's busiest.5


1. 2009 figure in, accessed April 30, 2016.
2. Bahía Blanca means White Bay.
3. The Times Atlas of the Oceans (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1983), "commodity loading ports" map.
4., accessed July 5, 2016.
5., accessed Apr. 30, 2016, table: Top 10 domestic routes (all ex-AEP) with a note above it: "41% of domestic capacity is concentrated in Buenos Aires AEP, which remains the main hub. In fact, all 10 of the largest domestic routes by frequency involve this airport, as detailed below." supplemented (for airport names) by:, accessed the same day.