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الإسكندريه (al-Iskandarīyah)

الإسكندريه (Al-Iskandarīyah), formerly Αλεξάνδρεια (Alexándreia), Alexandrie and Alexandria, is located along the Mediterranean coast just west of the Nil (Nile) Delta. Its current metropolitan population is 4.7 million, with about 4.5 million in the city proper.1 The tallest building is the 18th century Abu al-Abbas Mosque at 240 feet. But the former lighthouse, long gone, would have towered over them both at 443 feet.2 The city was also famed in Classical times for its great library.

NameYearPopulationPolitical entity
Αλεξάνδρεια (Alexándria)200 BCE300,0003Ptolemaïkè Basileía (Ptolemaic Egypt)
Alexandria100 CE250,0003Senatvs Popvlvsqve Romanvs (the Roman Empire)
Αλεξάνδρεια (Alexándria)361 CE125,0003Rhomania (Romania or the Byzantine Empire)
Αλεξάνδρεια (Alexándria)500 CE100,0003Rhomania (Romania or the Byzantine Empire)
4622 CE94,0003Ĕrānshahr (Sassianian Empire)
الإسكندريه (al-Iskandarīyah)800 CE95,0003al-Khilafah al-'Abbasiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Abbasid Empire)
الإسكندريه (al-Iskandarīyah)900 CE175,0003Miṣr (Tulunid Egypt)
الإسكندريه (al-Iskandarīyah)1200 CE50,0003Sultanate of Miṣr and Sūriyya (Ayyubid Empire)
Alexandria1900 CE31,0003Egypt (occupied by the UK)

foreground: bow of a small boat; midground: many small and medium boats; background: skyline of white buildings
Luxor Temple with dual statues

Historical maps

map showing part of the Ptolemaïkè Basileía (Ptolemaic Egypt) 200 BCE

map showing part of Senatvs Popvlvsqve Romanvs (the Roman Empire) 100 CE

map showing part of Rhomania (Romania or the Byzantine Empire) 361 to 500 CE

map showing part of Ĕrānshahr (Sassianian Empire) 622 CE

map showing part of al-Khilafah al-'Abbasiyyah al-Islamiyyah (Abbasid Empire) 800 CE

map showing part of Miṣr (Tulunid Egypt) 900 CE

map showing part of al-Fāṭimiyyūn (Fatimid Empire) 1000 to 1100 CE

map showing part of the Sultanate of Miṣr and Sūriyya (Ayyubid Empire) 1200 CE

map showing part of the Sulṭanat al-Māmalīk (Mamluk Empire) 1300 to 1500 CE

map showing part of the Devlet-i Âliye-yi Osmâniyye (Ottoman Empire) 1600 to 1700 CE

map showing part of Égypte (Egypt), which was part of France, 1800 CE

map showing part of Egypt, which was occupied by the UK, 1900 CE

map showing eastern Miṣr, 2000 CE


1. 2012 calculation in, accessed 3/24/2012. It had 3.3 million in 1996 and 4.1 million in 2006.
2., accessed 3/24/2012.
3. Tertius Chandler, Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth, 2nd ed. (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1987), "Tables of World's Largest Cities". Αλεξάνδρεια was the third largest city in the world in 200 BCE, fourth in 100 CE, seventh in 361 and 622 and ninth in 500; as al-Iskandarīiyah it was sixth in 900.
4. I do not know the official name the Persians used.